Why ticks can be problematic in your home and yard

Treating ticks and eliminating pests in your home

People face a lot of problems finding ticks on their bodies after returning from fields and forests. If you have spotted a tick on your body, then it is advisable to wear long sleeves and pants back from the woods.   

Ticks latch onto people’s bodies; they can also transfer diseases between people and pets. Tick-borne diseases are very dangerous and ticks can become carriers of diseases. These ticks must be removed with the help of exterminators without fail.

Ticks can be dangerous to your health   

If ticks are not sterilized within 48 hours of getting attached, then it is likely that they will transfer some disease into your body system. This may lead to serious health issues even death in certain cases. Therefore, ticks must be checked within 48 hours of attaching themselves onto your body.

Seek medical attention immediately if ticks are still attached to your skin after two days. Your doctor will prescribe some antibiotics for you in case the ticks have transferred any disease-causing pathogen into your body system. 

Your home becomes infested with ticks if those ticks have been breeding within your walls or pathway for many days. In such cases, pest control experts must be called immediately.  Ticks can also carry diseases like Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tularemia, and Lyme disease, etc. They can spread these diseases by latching on to your body. 

Ways you can prevent ticks

If you have outdoor pets that have been in these areas, make sure you check them for ticks. Ticks will often travel to moist areas on the body before latching on, so examine your pet’s armpits, knees, and groin, in addition to its neck, ears, and feet.  It’s important to wear tick repellant and destroy their natural habit when possible.

Ticks are pesky pests that can feed on you without your knowledge. Here’s how to get rid of them once and for all: 

  1. Clear out any brush or weeds in their preferred habitats – this will make it harder for them to find a good spot near humans!
  2. Mow your lawn regularly so clumps don’t form
  3. Trim away at long lengths rather than short ones
  4. Wear gloves when handling leaf piles
  5. Inspect yourself after starting work.

When to call a professional pest control company

You should call an exterminator right away or there is a possibility of ticks breeding into fully-grown ticks within just 15 days. The ticks start laying eggs as soon as they latch onto your body, and those ticks would go on to lay around 3000 eggs.  Seek medical attention immediately if ticks are still attached to your skin after two days. Your doctor will prescribe some antibiotics for you in case the ticks have transferred any disease-causing pathogen into your body system.

Tick-borne diseases are very dangerous and ticks can become carriers of diseases. These ticks must be removed with the help of exterminators without fail. Our professionals at Wild Wild Pest are trained and experienced to handle ticks and other pests. They can inspect your outside area free of charge and create a customized treatment plan based on what they find.

Contact us today for an inspection and see why our customer service makes our pest control service stand out from the rest.