Termite swarming season is here. Are you prepared?

The unseasonably warm weather we are having in San Diego means that trees and other plants will bloom early. This is what most San Diegian’s love to see, flowers blooming all around and the vibrant green grass in the back country. Our local reservoirs are getting full and ready for summer fun. You can look even closer to find signs of life, such as baby rabbits out eating in the growing grass fields. Sounds like a beautiful description of sunny San Diego! Right?

But behind the walls and under your home is another life cycle getting ready to attack; Subterranean Termites! We would like to provide you with some common knowledge to help you be prepared.

The most common species of termites in the San Diego area are the Western Subterranean Termite. Although it is smaller than drywood or damp wood termites, it is the most destructive termite in California, according to the University of California Statewide IPM program, due to the huge colonies they form. For example, a 2,400-square-foot home could sustain several termite colonies, each containing hundreds of thousands if not millions of individual termites.

Subterranean termites live below ground and inside wood, they are much harder to detect then other species of termites. Most homeowners never know that they are present until they see evidence of Subterranean swarm.

Why do they swarm, is a question we often get? Swarms are usually the first sign of a termite infestation. In the springtime, when the colony has reached its capacity the young adult male and female swarmer’s crop up in large groups to find a mate and a new location to settle into and start new colonies. Mating partners break off their wings to symbolize they are a couple. If you find piles of small insect wings near your windows, doors, light fixture, or in spider webs… there is a good chance that a swarm of termites was near, and a termite colony may be nesting in your home. What most people don’t think about after hearing this, is that 90% of the original colony is still working, eating and feeding their young; continuing to grow their colony and waiting for the next swarm.